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#Binance Guides: How to Buy Crypto with a Credit or Debit Card
Video tutorial: Buy Crypto with Debit/Credit Card on Binance APP 1. To get started select �Buy with cash� from the home screen 2. Buy Binance USD with a credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or Google Pay. Delivered quickly to any wallet, no hidden fees or third-party custody. Buy Binance USDT Gift Cards online (worldwide email delivery) and receive your digital card in minutes. Pay with PayPal, credit card, debit card.
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The answer is yes. Newcomers especially should start with small amounts and consider using a dollar-cost averaging strategy via Recurring Buy. Cash advance fees A cash advance is when you borrow cash directly from your credit card provider. While credit cards have strong fraud protection, every user should have the ability to identify and steer clear of a scam. For some, these products are a powerful passive income vehicle.